Falling From The Sky

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First and Foremost, I extend a warm welcome to you for the second annual sessions of the Kaptan Ahmet Erdogan Anatolian Imam Hatip High School Model United Nations Conference, known as CAPTAINMUN’24. As the youth of the Holocene era, we are qualified to change the world with our unique ideas and decisions. The realization of a more peaceful, fair and worth living world rests in our hands. To achieve this fabulous dream, cooperation and hard work are imperative. While acknowledging that our current Earth is not the best among parallel universes, we have the opportunity to raise from our ashes and become one of the most beautiful. So that is a great chance for you to rule diplomacy and take the first step of our fabulous dream. CAPTAINMUN’24 team is fully prepared to host your delegation.

Secondly, our Model United Nations Conferences participation journey was started in 2019 with KAEMUN’19. Despite being our first MUN experience, it attained national claim. Our dedicated friends tirelessly worked, overcoming numerous problems without taking a single break. As the newer and younger generation, we are raising from our ashes to organize CAPTAINMUN’24, featuring four English and one Arabic committee.